Estonians participated in the competition heat with a reduced line-up today. During the morning session Andres and Madli played Trench. Madli managed to lose all games, but Andres took the gold and won the event for second year ina row already (it has only taken place twice so far). Unfortunately it didn't have much effect for the Pentamind score. Kuno, Jaanus and Jüri-Artur played Heads-up poker.
Päeva teises pooles mängisid Kuno ja Andres Kamisadot. Andres võttis kulla ja Kuno hõbeda, kuigi nelja mängijaga turniiril pentamind-i kumbki punkte juurde ei saanud. Madli pidi Kamisadost loobuma, et oleks võimalus pentamindi punkte juurde saada, kui Emily peaks Cities and Knight'sis oma tulemust parandama. Emilyle oleks piisanud vaid alavõidust või esikoha jagamisest. Madli võttis osa Lost Cities-i turniirilt, kus oli hulganisti osalejaid. Sealt võttis osa ka Jaanus, kes jäi lõpuks teist kohta jagama, kuid koefitsendiga jäi medalitest ilma. Madli oma tulemust pentamindis ei parandanud, kuid seda ei teinud ka Emily, seega võttis Madli 9 punktiga naiste Pentamind-i kulla. Kuno säitias oma edu ja võttis juuniorite kulla. Andres sai kokkuvõttes kolmanda koha.
During the second half of the day Kuno and Andres played Kamisado. Andres took the gold and Kuno silver, although at a four-player tournament there was no way to improve the Pentamind score. Madli had to gave up playing Kamisado in order to have a chance to gain some points for Pentamind, in case Emily were to improve her score with Cities and Knights. Emily would have had to win the tournament or share the first place in order to improve. Madli took part from the Lost Cities tournament that had plenty of participants. Jaanus took part from it too and in the end he shared the second place, but was left out of medals by tie break. Madli didn't improve her result in Pentamind, but neither did Emily, therefore Madli won the gold in Women's Pentamind by 9 points. Kuno kept his lead and took the junior Pentamind Gold. Andres was third in the overall Petnamind standings.
Kuno Heads-up turniiril / Kuno at the Heads Up tournament
Jüri-Artur (vasakul) Heads-up turniiril / Jüri-Artur (on the left) at the Heads Up tournament
Otsustav mäng Trenchis Andres vs Ricardo Gomes / Deciding game in Trench Andres vs Ricardo Gomes
Jüri-Artur (paremal) Heads-up turniiril / Jüri-Artur (on the right) at the Heads Up tournament
Kuno (paremal) Heads-up turniiril / Kuno (on the right) at the Heads Up tournament
Jaanus (vasakul) Heads-up turniiril / Jaanus (on the left) at the Heads Up tournament
Kuno vs Andres - Kamisado
Andres (paremal) Kamisadot mängimas / Andres (on the right) playing Kamisado
Kuno (paremal) Kamisadot mängimas / Kuno (on the right) playing Kamisado
Andres (paremal) Kamisadot mängimas / Andres (on the right) playing Kamisado
Kuno (paremal) Kamisadot mängimas / Kuno (on the right) playing Kamisado
Andres lõputseremoonial vastamas ajakirjanike küsimustele / Andres at the closing ceremony answering to questions by journalists
Lapsed lõputseremoonial / Kids at the closing ceremony
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