Thursday, August 24, 2017

MSO 2017 3.päev / Day 3

Kolmanda päeva alguses oli pentamind-i tabelis eestlaste kaksikjuhtimine, kus Martin oli esimene ja Kuno teine. Tauri ja Madli mahtusid veel esikümnesse ning Andres oli tagasihoidlikul 25. kohal.

At the beginning of the third day the Pentamind Live Standings had two Estonians on the top places with Martin leading and Kuno being second. Tauri and Madli also fit in the top 10 and Andres was at a humble 25th place.

Hommikusel sessioonil mängisid eranditult kõik eestlased Quoridori. Seal oli üsna palju osalejaid, tänu hispaania ja Lõuna-Korea lastele, kes samuti osa võtsid. Kokku oli 28 osalejat. Andres suutis oma paremust tõestada ja võttis alavõidu. Viimases voorus õnnestus tal David Pearce alistada, kel oli selleks hetkeks samuti perfektne tulemus. Madlil õnnestus kuni viienda vooruni kõiki võita, kuid viimases kahes voorus tuli David Pearce-ile ja napilt ja Ricardo Gomezile alla vanduda.

On the morning session all of the Estonians played Quaridor with no exceptions. There were quite a lot of participants thanks to Spanish and South-Koeran children, who also participated. There were 28 participants in total. Andres managed to show his skills and took the victory. In the last round he managed to defeat David Pearce who also had the perfect score until that point. Madli managed to win all games until the fifth round, but was defeated in the last two rounds by David Pearce and in a close call to Ricardo Gomez.

Pärastlõunal läks Andres eestlastest ainsana Continuod mängima. Kuni viimase vooruni oli nii temal kui Matthew Hathrell-il maksimum arv punkte, seega mängisid nad viimases voorus omavahel. Hetkel, mil mõlemal oli vaid üks mänguvälja tükk alles, oli seis viigis. Viimase tükiga sai Andres juurde 21 punkti ja Matt kahjuks 23 punkti. Seetõttu sai Andres Continuo-st vaid hõbeda, kuid pentamind-i mõistes jäi teist kohta jagama, mis eriliselt head tulemust sinna juurde ei andnud.

On the afternoon Andres went to play Continuo as the only one from Estonians. Up until the last round he and Matthew Hathrell had both the maximum amount of points, therefore they played each other in the last round. At the moment, when they both had one last game tile left, the score was equal. Andres scored 21 points with his last tile and Matt unfortunately score 23 points. Therefore Andres only got a silver medal from Continuo, but in the sense of pentamind he shared second place, which didn't contribute a great score.

Kõik ülejäänud eestlased mängisid pärastlõunal Superfut-i. Viiest välja antud medalist said eestlased seekord neli. Mitte üllatuslikult sai Martin alavõidu. James Heppelil õnnestus hõbe saada ning Jüri-Arturil õnnestus mängu loojast isa viimases voorus võita ja sellega pronks võtta (ja juuniorite kuld). Kuno sai juuniorite hõbeda ja Elerin juuniorite pronksi.

All of the other Estonians played played Superfut during the afternoon session. Out of the five medals give out, Estonians grabbed four this time around. No suprise for the winner of the tournament - Martin. James Heppel managed to sneak in a silver and Jüri-Artur managed to beat his game creator father in the last round and win the bronze (and the junior gold). Kuno got the junior silver and Elerin got the junior bronze.

Õhtusel sessioonil mängisid enamus eestlased pokkerit. Kavas oli omaha. Eestlastest said top 6 hulka Madli, Tauri ja Jüri-Artur. Madli sai kuuenda koha, Tauri neljanda ja Jüri-Arturil õnnestus saada nii pronks kui juuniorite kuld.

During the evening session most Estonians played poker. It was time for omaha. Madli, Tauri and Jüri-Artur made it to top 6 from Estonians. Madli got 6th place, Tauri 4th place and Jüri-Artur managed to get both the bronze and the junior gold.

Andres vasakul continuot mängimas / Andres on the left playing Continuo

Andres vasakul continuot mängimas, vastas David Pearce / Andres on the left playing Continuo, opposite David Pearce

Superfuti medalid / Superfut medals

London Lowball medal(id) / London Lowball medal(s)

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