Andres decided to take the morning off for the first session this morning. Jaanus and Jüri-Artur decided to try their luck in Agricola and the rest of the Estonians played gomoku. Gomoku had 9 participants this year, which is three times more than last year. There would have probably been more participants if for example the abalone tournament would not have taken place at the same time. According to expectations, Martin won the gomoku tournament. On top of the regular medals two junior medal were given out (The juniors need to get in to at least the top 50% of the best at the tournament for medals to be given to them) All medals that were given out came to Estonia. :) Madli was second, Tauri third, Kuno got the junior gold and Elerin the junior silver.
Päraselõunasel sessioonil mängisid kõik eestlased (peale Jaanuse ja Jüri-Arturi, kes mängisid endiselt Agricolat) boku maailmameistrivõistlustel. Ka see turniir läks küllaltki hästi ja neljast välja jagatud medalist tulid kolm Eestisse. Martin sai päeva teise alavõidu, Andres oli teine ja Kunol õnnestus saada noorte kuld. Madli ja Tauri jäid neljandat kohta jagama.
All of the Estonians (besides Jaanus and Jüri-Artur who were still playing Agricola) played at the Boku World Championship during the afternoon session. This tournament went quite well as well and out of the four medals given out, three came to Estonia. Martin won the second tournament of the day, Andres was second and Kuno managed to get the junior gold. Madli and Tauri shared the 4th place.
Õhtu oli taas pokkeri päralt. Seekord oli kavas london lowball. Elerin otsustas teisetele kaasa elada. Andres ja Madli olid esimesed, kes välja langesid ning Martin ja Tauri järgnesid varsti pärast seda. Kuno jäi veel mängima. Pärast paari tundi lõbutsemist õnnestus Kunol ka esimene alavõit saada ning pokkeri kuld Eestisse tuua.
The evening was once more all about the poker. London lowball was the next on the schedule. Elerin decided to cheer for others. Andres and Madli were the first ones to drop out and Martin and Tauri soon after that. Kuno was still playing. After a few hours of fun Kuno managed to get his first tournament win and bring the poker gold to Estonia.
Riccardo Gueci mängib Martiniga gomokut, taamal Tauri / Riccardo Gueci playing gomoku with Martin, Tauri in the back
Kuno ja Elerin / Kuno and Elerin
Andrese ja Martini mäng boku turniiril / Andres and Martin playing at the boku tournament
Elerin boku turniiril / Elerin at the boku tournament
Kuno boku turniiril / Kuno at the boku tournament
Tauri boku turniiril / Tauri at the boku tournament
Viis gomoku medalit Eestisse / Five gomoku medals to Estonia
Kuno oli Texas Hold'em-is nii üldkokkuvõtte kolmas, kui juuniorite esimene / Kuno was the overall bronze and junior gold at the Texas Hold'em
Andrese boku medal / Boku medal for Andres
Martini boku kuldmedal / Boku gold for Martin
Top 3 bokus vasakult: / Top three in boku from the left: Andres Kuusk, Martin Hõbemägi ja David Pearce
Kuno boku medal / Boku medal for Kuno
Boku medalistid / medalists for Boku
Pokkeriturniiri algus. Madli, Kuno ja Tauri samas lauas. / Beginning of the poker tournament: Madli, Kuno and Tauri at the same table.
Kuno tundub top 6 hulgas juba väga rõõmus / Kuno seems very happy with being at the top 6.
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