Once more we have arrived to London to keep the pride of Estonians high at the Mind Sports Olympiad. This year there is 8 of us present. Andres Kuusk is here to defend his Pentamind title from last year. Martin Hõbemägi and Madli Mirme have returned after a break last year. This year we also have young players who got their places from qualification tournament held at Karepa in the beginning of July: Tauri Purk, Kuno Kolk and Elerin Pärjasaar. On top of that Jaanus Mae, the creator of Superfut, is present with his son Jüri-Artur Mae.
Tauri, Kuno ja Elerin saabusid Londonisse juba reedel ning jõudsid tänu sellele ka veidi Londonis ringi vaadata ja loomaaias käia. Ülejäänud saabusid laupäevaõhtuse British Airways-i lennuga. Kuigi Heathrow-sse maandudes on väga mugav metrooga otse öömaja lähedale saada, siis kahjuks venis sõit rööbastelt leitud prügi ning võõraste inimeste tõttu ning enne kella kahte keegi tuppa ei jõudnud. Jaanus ja Jüri-Artur jõudsid alles poole neljast oma magamiskohta. Selle tõttu jäi viimane öö enne turniiri algust mitmel meist üsna lühikeseks. Sellest hoolimata oli tujud head ja ootame kõik elevusega eelseisvat pikka ja vahvat turniire täis nädalat!
Tauri, Kuno and Elerin arrived to London already on Friday and therefore they had some time to look around in London and also go to the zoo. The rest of us arrived with the late evening British Airways flight on Saturday. Even though it is very comfortable to get to the accommodation by the tube from Heathrow, then unfortunately the journey got delayed by a debris and a trespasser on the tracks and noone got to bed before 2 AM. Jaanus and Jüri-Artur only arrived at their accommodation at 3:30 AM. Because of the the last night before the tournament was quite short for quite a few of us. Regardless, the mood is good and we are all awaiting for the long and exciting week full of tournaments!
Martin ja Andres lehvitamas lennujaamast. Martin and Andres waving from the airport.
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