Thursday, August 24, 2017

MSO 2017 5.päev / Day 5

Viiendal päeval mängisid Andres, Kuno ja Madli Andrese trumpala entroopiat. Kahjuks alavõitu Eestisse ei tulnud ja sellega Andrese lootused edukalt Pentamind-i tiitlit kaitsta ka lõplikult kadusid. Samas teenitud teise koha punktid jätsid veel lootuse heidelda pronksile (Jamesil ja Ankushil mõlemal juba üle 470 punkti ja püüdmatud). Alavõit läks David Jamesonile ja Kuno võttis juuniorite kulla.

On the fifth day Andres, Kuno and Madli played one of Andres's strongest events - Entropy. Unfortunately the win didn't come to Estonia ja Andres's chances to defend the Pentamind title were completely lost. At the same time the earned second place points still left the hope to fight for bronze (James and Ankush both have already over 470 points and are therefore uncatchable). David Jameson claimed the trophy for entropy and Kuno got the junior gold.

Martin ja Tauri mängisid Entrooopia ajal Monopoly, kuid erilisi tulemusi sealt ei tulnud. Jaanus mängis samal ajal Backgammonit.

Martin and Tauri played Monopoly during Entropy, but they didn't get any special results. Jaanus played Backgammon at the same time.

Õhtul mängisid kõik eestlased taas pokkerit. Kavas oli Pineapple. Martin sai parima tulemuse ja tuli hõbedale. Madli oli teise eestlane, kes fiinaallauda pääses. Ta sai seitsmenda koha, kuid pentamind-i selle tulemusega ei parandanud.

In the evening all of the Estonians played poker again. Pineapple was on the schedule. Martin got the best result and received the silver. Madli was the second Estonian in the final table. She got 7th place, but it didn't improve her pentamind score. 

Homme on lines of action, mis tuleb Andresel kindlasti võita, et medalimängus püsida. Jooksvas edetabelis oli Andres viimaste andmete kohaselt 12. Esinelikus hetkel James Heppell, Ankush Khandelwal, Ricardo Gomes ning neljandana Martin. Seejuures on nii Jamesil kui Ankushil hirmkõva punktisumma ja neid eristab ei rohkem ega vähem kui 0,1 punkti!

Tomorrow is Lines of Action, which Andres definitely needs to win in order to stay in competition for the medals. According to the lastest Live Standings, Andres was on the 12th place. Top 4 at the moment were: James Heppell, Ankush Khandelwal, Ricardo Gomes and Martin was fourth. Both James and Ankush have a poinst score out of this World and they are divided by no more or less than 0.1 Pentamind points!

Martin Monopoly turniiril / Martin at the monopoly tournament

Tauri Monopoly turniiril / Tauri at the Monopoly tournament

Andres ja David Jameson turniiri võitja otsustanud Entroopia mängus / Andres and David Jameson at thematch that decided the winner of the Entropy tournament

Jaanus mängib Dario de Toffoli-ga Backgammonit / Jaanus playing backgammon with Dario the Toffoli

Kuno entroopia turniiril / Kuno at the Entropy tournament

Monopoly turniir / tournament

Monopoly turniir / tournament

Hare and tortoise medalid / medals

Entroopia medalid / medals

Pineapple poker

Pineapple poker

Pineapple poker

Pineapple poker

Pineapple poker

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