Today was a very important day in the sense of Pentamind, because for the first time in the history of MSO there were two tournaments that were 1.5 sessions long and counted as long events. Therefore there was a possibility of playing two long events in a day. First of those was Carcassonne and the second Ticket to ride. All of the Estonians besides Elerin and Tauri played Carcassonne during the morning and half of the afternoon session. Seems that a lot of practice during ysterday payd off, since Estonians got quite a lot of good results. Andres shared the first place and earned about 95 points for his pentamind. Jüri-Artur shared the third place and got the junior silver. Martin was 5th or 6th, Jaanus 7-8, Madli 9th and Kuno shared the 10th place from 27 total players. By the way, Madli improved her pentamind score by over 30 points and managed to get to a quite secure 2nd place in the women's pentamind. Tauri was playing sudokus and kenkens at the same time and dominoes in the afternoon. He finished sudokus quite early, but he probably needs to parcitce kenkens a bit more in order to have a chance to fight for the medals next year.
Õhtusel / hilisel pärastlõunasel sessioonil mängisid Andres, Martin, Kuno, Tauri ja Elerin pokkerit. Kavas oli seekord 7 card stud. Tauri oli eestlastest küll ainus, kes sai finaalaluda, aga tänu 50% parimate hulgas lõpetamisele, sai Elerin juuniorite kulla. Tauri jõudis heads up-ini, kuid siis pidi tunnistama Tige Nnando paremust. Samal ajal mängisid Madli, Jaanus ja Jüri-Artur Ticket to Ride-i. Miskit moodi õnnestus Madlil 31 mängijaga turniirilt rabada 4s koht ning oma pentamindi skoori veel umbes 40 punkti võrra tõsta. Kuigi Emily oli vahepeal Loomingulisest Mõtlemisest umbes 5-6 punkti oma Pentamind-i tulemsut parandanud, siis läks Madli tast mööda ning püsib viimase päeva eel 16 punktiga naistest esikohal, ca 400 punkti peal ja üldarvestuses top 10 kohast vaid 7-8 punkti kaugusel. Kusjuures viimases voorus suutis ta võita laua, kus olid peale tema veel Ricardo Gomes ja James Heppell.
During the evening / late afternoon session Andres, Martin, Kuno, Tauri and Elerin playerd poker. 7 card stud was scheduled for this time. Tauri was the only one from Estonians to get to the final table, but thanks to finishing in the top 50% of the players, Elerin got the junior gold. Tauri made it to heads up, but then had to admit the victory of Tige Nnando. At the same time Madli, Jaanus and Jüri-Artur played Ticket to Ride. Somehow Madli managed to crab 4th place at a tournament of 31 players and increase her Pentamind score by another 40 points. Enev though Emily had collected about 5-6 points for her Pentamind from CreativeThinking in the mean time, then Madli managed to pass her and is 16 points clear in the women's pentamind before the last day of MSO. This is about 400 point total and only about 7-8 points from Top 10. By the way in the last round she managed to win at a table where also Ricardo Gomes and James Heppell were playing.
Homme on MSO viimane päev. Võimalik on mängida ühte pikka ala või kahte lühikest ala. Andres ja Madli mängivad mõlemad suure tõenäosusega Trench-i ja Kamisadot. Andresel on säilinud veel teoreetiline võimalus mõlemal alal puhtalt kulda võites esimese ja teise koha heitlusesse vahele segada.
Tomorrow is the last day of MSO, There's a possibility to play either one long tournament or two short ones. Andres and Madli will most likely both be playing Trench and Kamisado. Andres still has a theoretical chance of entering into the 1st and 2nd place fight for Pentamind with two unshared golds from these events.
Andres vasakul Carcassonne-i turniiril / Andres on the left at the Carcassonne tournament
Andres vasakul Carcassonne-i turniiril / Andres on the left at the Carcassonne tournament
Tauri Kenken-e lahendamas / Tauri solving Kenkens
Martin, James Heppell, Andres - Carcassonne
James Heppell, Andres, Marttin - Carcassonne
Tauri (vasakul) Doominote turniiril Dario de Toffoliga / Tauri (on the left) at the Dominoes tournament with Dario de Toffoli
Õnnelik Tauri Heads up-is (keskel) / Happy Tauri in Heads up (in the middle)
Tõsine Tauri Heads up-is (keskel) / Serious Tauri in Heads up (in the middle)
Martin bluffimas / Martin bluffing
+ Kuno, Elerin
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