Saturday, August 26, 2017

MSO 2017 6.päev / Day 6

Kuues päev oli lühike päev, kus õhtune sessioon ära jäi. Eesti tiim mängis seekord Lines of Actionit. See päev paraku midagi head Andresele ei toonud. Andres keeras enda sõnul lines of actionis kõik tuksi juba poole turniiriga, kaotustega Ankushile ja David Sedgwickile ning ei saanud isegi 80 punkti mitte. Halvem veel, James võitis turniiri ja teenis veel 5-6 punkti lisaks ning on juba uskumatuna tunduva 476 peal Pentamind-i arvestuses. Martin ja Kuno teenisid turniirilt sama palju pentamind-i punkte kui Andres. Madli jäi kolme punkti peale ja parandas kõige halvema pentamindi tulemuse vaid 47 peale. Tauri sai 2 punkti ja Elerin võitis samuti ühe mängu. 

6th day was a short day, where the evening session wasn't scheduled. The Estonian team played Lines of Action. This day didn't bring anything very good to Andres. According to himself he messed up Lines of Action already with half of the tournament by losing to Ankush and David Sedgwick and didn't even manage to get 80 points for Pentamind. What is worse, James won the tournament and got 5-6 extra points for his Pentamind and is now on an unbelievable score of 476 in Pentamind. Martin and Kuno earned the same amount of points for Pentamind as Andres. Madli stopped at three points and only managed to raise her worst pentamind result from 13 to 47. Tauri got 2 points from the tournament and Elerin won a match as well.

Kuna Andresel oli varasemalt paremuselt 5. tulemus vaid 31 punkti, sai ta siiski tublisti punktilisa ja pronksine punktisumma ei ole enam kaugel, kuna peale Jamesi, Ankushi ja Martini pole keegi viimasel ajal tulemusi parandanud. Emily Watson sai Puerto Rico võidu ja tugevate tulemustega Tetrisest, Monopolyst ja teistest Euromängudest tõusis naiste arvestuses esikohale. Emily on Madlist juba 50 punkti kaugusel ja seega suure tõenäosusega on naiste arvestuse esikoht Madli jaoks seetõttu ka püüdmatu. Hetkel on Madli punktiga maas ka Charlotte Levyst, seega asub naiste arvestuses kolmandal kohal. Kuno on hetkel üsna pikalt esimene juunior, kuid Hispaania neiul Noa Conception Martin-il on ühe pika ala eest vaid 27 punkti ja seda korralikult parandades jõuaks ta Kunole juba üsna lähedale. Samuti on tal suur võimalus naiste arvestuses esikolmikusse tõusta või isegi kuld võtta!

Since Andres previously had only 31 points for his 5th best result, he got quite a lot of extra points for Pentamind today and the score for bronze is not far away anymore, since noone besides James, Ankush and Martin have improved their scores recently. Emily Watson got the victory from Puerto Rico and with strong results from Tetris, Monopoly and other Eurogames has taken the lead for womens pentamind. Emily is already 50 points ahead of Madli and for that reason the womens pentamind first spot is unreachable for her. Madli is a point behind Charlotte Levy at the moment as well, so therefor laying on the third spot for now. Kuno is presently by far the best Junior by score, although the Spanish young lady Noa Conception Martin has only 27 points for a long session and can get pretty close to Kuno with a strong improvement on that. She also has a very good possibility to rise to the top 3 in Women's Pentamind or even take to gold!

Homme viimaks ometi vähemalt eestlastele kauaoodatud puhkepäev. Need, kes võtavad osa sukeldumismalest, teevad seda homme pärastlõunal. Ülehomme jätkuvad lahingud carcassonne-is, ticket-to ride-is, ja 7-card studi pokkeris. Tauri võtab ette ka sudokud ja doominod.

Tomorrow is finally a long awaited resting day at least for the Estonians. Those who will be taking part from the diving chess will be doing so tomorrow afternoon. The battles will continue the day after tomorrow in Carcassoonne, Ticket to Ride and 7 card stud poker. Tauri will be taking on the Sudokus and Dominoes as well.

Tim Hebbes / Martin Hõbemägi

Ankush / Martin

James / Kuno

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