Sunday, August 20, 2017

MSO 2017 1.päev / Day 1

Võistluste esimesel päeval mängisid kõik eestlased peale Elerini, kes elas teistele kaasa, Katani Asustajaid. Tegemist oli pika turniiriga, mis kestis 2 neljatunnist sessioni. Eestlastest läks kõige paremini Martinil ja Kunol. Martin sai kokkuvõttes 3. koha ning Kuno juuniorite arvestuses kulla.
Peantamind-i arvestuses saab jooksvaid tulemusi jälgida siit. Kokku osales Katanis 55 osavõtjat. Suurtest pentamind-i konkurentidest läks väga hästi Ricardo Gomes-il, kes turniiri võitjana saavutas pentamind-i arvestusse pikale alale 97.30 punkti. Martin sai 93.67 punkti ning Kuno 89.12 punkti.

On the first day of the tournament, all of the Estonians played Settlers of Katan, with the exception of Elerin, who was cheering for others. It was a long tournament, which lasted 2 four-hour-sessions. Martin and Kuno did the best from Estonians. Martin got the third place overall and Kuno got the gold for juniors. Live standings of the Pentamind can be found here. There were 55 participants in total in Settlers. Ricardo Gomes did very well from the big pentamind rivals, he got 97.30 points for a long session to the pentamind for winning the tournament. Martin gathered 93.67 points and Kuno got 89.12 points.

Õhtusel sessioonil mängisid kõik eestlased pokkerit. Esimesel õhtul oli kavas Texas Hold'em. Kokku oli 30 osalejat ja eestlastest ainsana pääses finaallauda Kuno, kes saavutas kolmanda koha. Suurtest pentamind-i rivaalidest võitis James Heppel turniiri.

All the Estonians played poker on the evening session. Texas Hold'em was played on the first evening. There were 30 participants in total and Kuno was the only one from Estonians to make it to the final table and he got the third place. James Heppel won the tournament out of the big Pentamind rivals.

Eestlased enne Katani turniiri / Estonians before the Settlers tournament

Eestlased enne Katani turniiri / Estonians before the Settlers tournament

Vasakult Andres, Demis Hassabis / From the left: Andres, Demis Hassabis

Kuno taga nurgas sinises, tema kõrval Matthew Hathrell / Kuno in the back corner in blue, Matthew Hathrell next to him

Tauril vägev rüütliarmee / Tauri has an impressive army

Andres paremal valges, tema vastas James Heppel / Andres on the right in white, James Heppel opposite of him



Kuno ja Martin mängivad, Elerin elab kaasa / Kuno and Martin playing, Elerin cheering.

Jüri-Artur vasakul üleval, Tauri all paremal / Jüri-Artur on top left, Tauri on bottom right

Katani finaallaud eespool Martin, tema kõrval Demis Hassabis / Final table of Settlers, Martin in the front, Demis Hassabis next to him

Katani finaallaud eespool Martin, tema kõrval Demis Hassabis / Final table of Settlers, Martin in the front, Demis Hassabis next to him

Pildid Katani auhinnatseremoonialt / Pictures from the prize ceremony of the Settlers.

Sel aastal on medalistidele poodium / This year there is a podium for the medalists.

Martin poodiumil / Martin on the podium

Juuniorite kuld ja Katani medalistid / Junior gold and medalists of Settlers

Pildid õhtuselt pokkeriturniirilt / Pictures from the evening poker session

Martin pokkeriturniiril / Martin at the poker tournament

Elerin pokkeriturniiril / Elerin at the poker tournament

Andres pokkeriturniiril / Andres at the poker tournament

Kuno pokkeriturniiril / Kuno at the poker tournament

Kuno finaallauas (sinises) / Kuno at the final table (in blue)

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