Andres, Georg-Romet and Madli (as arbiter) played Trench during the morning session. Andres has won the last two years (only years the Trench has been played) and with the third win he would win the custom made Trench necklace. And so he did. Georg-Romet got a suprise five-way shared third place and won the broze with tie break. Other Estonians took the morning off.
Pärastlõunal mängis Andres continuot, kuid sealt häid tulemusi ei tulnud. Teised mängisid ja korraldasid Superfuti. Martin ja Georg-Romet said sama arvu punkte, kuid Gerog-Romet võttis omavahelise mängu alusel kulla. Kuno oli kolmas ja Markus sai juuniorite hõbeda.
Andres played continuo during the afternoon, but got no good results from there. Others played Superfut. Martin and Georg-Romet both got the same amount of points, but Georg-Romet secured the gold with head to head win over Martin. Kuno got third place and Markus the junior silver.
Õhtusel sessioonil mängisid kõik eestlased pokkerit. Seekord oli kavas London Lowball. Kuno oli esimesena väljas. Andres, Madli ja Georg-Romet langesid mõnda aega hiljem välja, Markus saavutas kolmanda koha (oma elu esimesel pokkeri turniiril olles õppinud reeglid vahetult enne turniiri selgeks) ja Martin võitis oma selle aastase esimese pokkeri.
All of the Estonians played poker during the evening session. It was time for London Lowball. Kuno was out first. Andres, Madli and Georg-Romet fell out some time later. Markus got third place (on his first ever poker tournament having learned the rules just before the tournament) and Martin got another victory.
Päeva lõpuks on Martin veelgi kindlamalt viievõistluse esikohta hoidmas, kuigi tal on ainult üks pikk ala mängitud.
At the end of the day, Martin has made the lead even stronger in the Pentamind, although he has only played one long event.
Üldisemat päeva kokkuvõtet on võimalik lugeda MSO facebooki lehelt.
An overall conclusion of the day can be read from the MSO Facebook page.
Reaalajas ülekandeid ja nende salvestusi saab näha MSO Facebooki lehelt või järgnevalt lingilt:
You can follow the live broadcast or their recordings from the MSO Facebook page or from the following link:
You can follow the live broadcast or their recordings from the MSO Facebook page or from the following link:
Samuti saab jälgida Viievõistluse jooksvat edetabelit siit / You can follow the Live Standings of the Pentamind on the following link:
Superfut medals
Noorte medalid / Junior medals: Markus Ikla, Georg-Romet Topkin, Luke Elliot
Top 3: Martin Hõbemägi, Georg-Romet Topkin, Kuno Kolk
Pokker / Poker (London Lowball)
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