Monday, August 28, 2017

MSO 2017 8. ja viimane päev / Day 8 and Final day

Eestlased olid täna vähedatud koosseisus taas võistlustules. Hommikusel sessioonil mängisid Andres ja Madli Trenchi. Madli suutis kõik mängud pähe saada, aga Andres võttis kulla ja võitis ala juba teist aastat järjest (seda ongi ainult kaks korda toimunud). Pentamind-is selles kahjuks erilist tolku polnud. Kuno, Jaanus ja Jüri-Artur mängisid samal ajal heads up pokkerit.

Estonians participated in the competition heat with a reduced line-up today. During the morning session Andres and Madli played Trench. Madli managed to lose all games, but Andres took the gold and won the event for second year ina  row already (it has only taken place twice so far). Unfortunately it didn't have much effect for the Pentamind score. Kuno, Jaanus and Jüri-Artur played Heads-up poker.

Päeva  teises pooles mängisid Kuno ja Andres Kamisadot. Andres võttis kulla ja Kuno hõbeda, kuigi nelja mängijaga turniiril pentamind-i kumbki punkte juurde ei saanud. Madli pidi Kamisadost loobuma, et oleks võimalus pentamindi punkte juurde saada, kui Emily peaks Cities and Knight'sis oma tulemust parandama. Emilyle oleks piisanud vaid alavõidust või esikoha jagamisest. Madli võttis osa Lost Cities-i turniirilt, kus oli hulganisti osalejaid. Sealt võttis osa ka Jaanus, kes jäi lõpuks teist kohta jagama, kuid koefitsendiga jäi medalitest ilma. Madli oma tulemust pentamindis ei parandanud, kuid seda ei teinud ka Emily, seega võttis Madli 9 punktiga naiste Pentamind-i kulla. Kuno säitias oma edu ja võttis juuniorite kulla. Andres sai kokkuvõttes kolmanda koha.

During the second half of the day Kuno and Andres played Kamisado. Andres took the gold and Kuno silver, although at a four-player tournament there was no way to improve the Pentamind score. Madli had to gave up playing Kamisado in order to have a chance to gain some points for Pentamind, in case Emily were to improve her score with Cities and Knights. Emily would have had to win the tournament or share the first place in order to improve. Madli took part from the Lost Cities tournament that had plenty of participants. Jaanus took part from it too and in the end he shared the second place, but was left out of medals by tie break. Madli didn't improve her result in Pentamind, but neither did Emily, therefore Madli won the gold in Women's Pentamind by 9 points. Kuno kept his lead and took the junior Pentamind Gold. Andres was third in the overall Petnamind standings.

Kuno Heads-up turniiril / Kuno at the Heads Up tournament

Jüri-Artur (vasakul) Heads-up turniiril / Jüri-Artur (on the left) at the Heads Up tournament

Otsustav mäng Trenchis Andres vs Ricardo Gomes / Deciding game in Trench Andres vs Ricardo Gomes

Jüri-Artur (paremal) Heads-up turniiril / Jüri-Artur (on the right) at the Heads Up tournament

Kuno (paremal) Heads-up turniiril / Kuno (on the right) at the Heads Up tournament

Jaanus (vasakul) Heads-up turniiril / Jaanus (on the left) at the Heads Up tournament

Kuno vs Andres - Kamisado

Andres (paremal) Kamisadot mängimas / Andres (on the right) playing Kamisado

Kuno (paremal) Kamisadot mängimas / Kuno (on the right) playing Kamisado

Andres (paremal) Kamisadot mängimas / Andres (on the right) playing Kamisado

Kuno (paremal) Kamisadot mängimas / Kuno (on the right) playing Kamisado

Andres lõputseremoonial vastamas ajakirjanike küsimustele / Andres at the closing ceremony answering to questions by journalists

Lapsed lõputseremoonial / Kids at the closing ceremony

Sunday, August 27, 2017

MSO 2017 7.päev / Day 7

Täna oli pentamind-i mõttes väga oluline päev, sest esimest korda MSO ajaloos toimusid 1,5 sessiooni pikkused turniirid, mis lugesid pikkade sessioonidena. Seega oli võimalik ühe päeva jooksul kaks pikka ala mängida. Esimene neist oli Carcassonne ja teine Ticket to ride. Kõik eestlased peale Elerini ja Tauri mängisid hommikul ja esimesel poolel pärastlõunast Carcassonne-i. Ilmselt oli eilsest suurest harjutamisest kasu, sest üsna palju oli häid tulemusi. 27 oselejaga turniiril jäi Andres esikohta jagama ja sai sellega ca 95 puntise tulemuse pentamind-i. Jüri-Artur jäi kolmandat kohta jagama ja sai sellega juuniorite hõbeda. Martin oli 5 või 6 kohal. Jaanus 7-8, Madli 9 ja Kuno jäi 10ndat kohta jagama. Kusjuures Madli parandas oma pentamind-i skoori üle 30 punkti, jõudes kindlale teisele kohale naiste arvestuses. Tauri mängis samal ajal sudokusid ja kenken-e ning pärastlõunal doominot. Sudokud lõpetas ta küll suhteliselt varakult, kuid ken-ken-e tuleb ilmselt veidi harjutada, et tulevikus medalite pärast võidelda.

Today was a very important day in the sense of Pentamind, because for the first time in the history of MSO there were two tournaments that were 1.5 sessions long and counted as long events. Therefore there was a possibility of playing two long events in a day. First of those was Carcassonne and the second Ticket to ride. All of the Estonians besides Elerin and Tauri played Carcassonne during the morning and half of the afternoon session. Seems that a lot of practice during ysterday payd off, since Estonians got quite a lot of good results.  Andres shared the first place and earned about 95 points for his pentamind. Jüri-Artur shared the third place and got the junior silver. Martin was 5th or 6th, Jaanus 7-8, Madli 9th and Kuno shared the 10th place from 27 total players. By the way, Madli improved her pentamind score by over 30 points and managed to get to a quite secure 2nd place in the women's pentamind. Tauri was playing sudokus and kenkens at the same time and dominoes in the afternoon. He finished sudokus quite early, but he probably needs to parcitce kenkens a bit more in order to have a chance to fight for the medals next year.

Õhtusel / hilisel pärastlõunasel sessioonil mängisid Andres, Martin, Kuno, Tauri ja Elerin pokkerit. Kavas oli seekord 7 card stud. Tauri oli eestlastest küll ainus, kes sai finaalaluda, aga tänu 50% parimate hulgas lõpetamisele, sai Elerin juuniorite kulla. Tauri jõudis heads up-ini, kuid siis pidi tunnistama Tige Nnando paremust. Samal ajal mängisid Madli, Jaanus ja Jüri-Artur Ticket to Ride-i. Miskit moodi õnnestus Madlil 31 mängijaga turniirilt rabada 4s koht ning oma pentamindi skoori veel umbes 40 punkti võrra tõsta. Kuigi Emily oli vahepeal Loomingulisest Mõtlemisest umbes 5-6 punkti oma Pentamind-i tulemsut parandanud, siis läks Madli tast mööda ning püsib viimase päeva eel 16 punktiga naistest esikohal, ca 400 punkti peal ja üldarvestuses top 10 kohast vaid 7-8 punkti kaugusel. Kusjuures viimases voorus suutis ta võita laua, kus olid peale tema veel Ricardo Gomes ja James Heppell.

During the evening / late afternoon session Andres, Martin, Kuno, Tauri and Elerin playerd poker. 7 card stud was scheduled for this time. Tauri was the only one from Estonians to get to the final table, but thanks to finishing in the top 50% of the players, Elerin got the junior gold. Tauri made it to heads up, but then had to admit the victory of Tige Nnando. At the same time Madli, Jaanus and Jüri-Artur played Ticket to Ride. Somehow Madli managed to crab 4th place at a tournament of 31 players and increase her Pentamind score by another 40 points. Enev though Emily had collected about 5-6 points for her Pentamind from CreativeThinking in the mean time, then Madli managed to pass her and is 16 points clear in the women's pentamind before the last day of MSO. This is about 400 point total and only about 7-8 points from Top 10. By the way in the last round she managed to win at a table where also Ricardo Gomes and James Heppell were playing.

Homme on MSO viimane päev. Võimalik on mängida ühte pikka ala või kahte lühikest ala. Andres ja Madli mängivad mõlemad suure tõenäosusega Trench-i ja Kamisadot. Andresel on säilinud veel teoreetiline võimalus mõlemal alal puhtalt kulda võites esimese ja teise koha heitlusesse vahele segada.

Tomorrow is the last day of MSO, There's a possibility to play either one long tournament or two short ones. Andres and Madli will most likely both be playing Trench and Kamisado. Andres still has a theoretical chance of entering into the 1st and 2nd place fight for Pentamind with two unshared golds from these events.

Andres vasakul Carcassonne-i turniiril / Andres on the left at the Carcassonne tournament

Andres vasakul Carcassonne-i turniiril / Andres on the left at the Carcassonne tournament

Tauri Kenken-e lahendamas / Tauri solving Kenkens

Martin, James Heppell, Andres - Carcassonne

James Heppell, Andres, Marttin - Carcassonne

Tauri (vasakul) Doominote turniiril Dario de Toffoliga / Tauri (on the left) at the Dominoes tournament with Dario de Toffoli

Õnnelik Tauri Heads up-is (keskel) / Happy Tauri in Heads up (in the middle)

Tõsine Tauri Heads up-is (keskel) / Serious Tauri in Heads up (in the middle)

Martin bluffimas / Martin bluffing 
+ Kuno, Elerin

Saturday, August 26, 2017

MSO 2017 6.päev / Day 6

Kuues päev oli lühike päev, kus õhtune sessioon ära jäi. Eesti tiim mängis seekord Lines of Actionit. See päev paraku midagi head Andresele ei toonud. Andres keeras enda sõnul lines of actionis kõik tuksi juba poole turniiriga, kaotustega Ankushile ja David Sedgwickile ning ei saanud isegi 80 punkti mitte. Halvem veel, James võitis turniiri ja teenis veel 5-6 punkti lisaks ning on juba uskumatuna tunduva 476 peal Pentamind-i arvestuses. Martin ja Kuno teenisid turniirilt sama palju pentamind-i punkte kui Andres. Madli jäi kolme punkti peale ja parandas kõige halvema pentamindi tulemuse vaid 47 peale. Tauri sai 2 punkti ja Elerin võitis samuti ühe mängu. 

6th day was a short day, where the evening session wasn't scheduled. The Estonian team played Lines of Action. This day didn't bring anything very good to Andres. According to himself he messed up Lines of Action already with half of the tournament by losing to Ankush and David Sedgwick and didn't even manage to get 80 points for Pentamind. What is worse, James won the tournament and got 5-6 extra points for his Pentamind and is now on an unbelievable score of 476 in Pentamind. Martin and Kuno earned the same amount of points for Pentamind as Andres. Madli stopped at three points and only managed to raise her worst pentamind result from 13 to 47. Tauri got 2 points from the tournament and Elerin won a match as well.

Kuna Andresel oli varasemalt paremuselt 5. tulemus vaid 31 punkti, sai ta siiski tublisti punktilisa ja pronksine punktisumma ei ole enam kaugel, kuna peale Jamesi, Ankushi ja Martini pole keegi viimasel ajal tulemusi parandanud. Emily Watson sai Puerto Rico võidu ja tugevate tulemustega Tetrisest, Monopolyst ja teistest Euromängudest tõusis naiste arvestuses esikohale. Emily on Madlist juba 50 punkti kaugusel ja seega suure tõenäosusega on naiste arvestuse esikoht Madli jaoks seetõttu ka püüdmatu. Hetkel on Madli punktiga maas ka Charlotte Levyst, seega asub naiste arvestuses kolmandal kohal. Kuno on hetkel üsna pikalt esimene juunior, kuid Hispaania neiul Noa Conception Martin-il on ühe pika ala eest vaid 27 punkti ja seda korralikult parandades jõuaks ta Kunole juba üsna lähedale. Samuti on tal suur võimalus naiste arvestuses esikolmikusse tõusta või isegi kuld võtta!

Since Andres previously had only 31 points for his 5th best result, he got quite a lot of extra points for Pentamind today and the score for bronze is not far away anymore, since noone besides James, Ankush and Martin have improved their scores recently. Emily Watson got the victory from Puerto Rico and with strong results from Tetris, Monopoly and other Eurogames has taken the lead for womens pentamind. Emily is already 50 points ahead of Madli and for that reason the womens pentamind first spot is unreachable for her. Madli is a point behind Charlotte Levy at the moment as well, so therefor laying on the third spot for now. Kuno is presently by far the best Junior by score, although the Spanish young lady Noa Conception Martin has only 27 points for a long session and can get pretty close to Kuno with a strong improvement on that. She also has a very good possibility to rise to the top 3 in Women's Pentamind or even take to gold!

Homme viimaks ometi vähemalt eestlastele kauaoodatud puhkepäev. Need, kes võtavad osa sukeldumismalest, teevad seda homme pärastlõunal. Ülehomme jätkuvad lahingud carcassonne-is, ticket-to ride-is, ja 7-card studi pokkeris. Tauri võtab ette ka sudokud ja doominod.

Tomorrow is finally a long awaited resting day at least for the Estonians. Those who will be taking part from the diving chess will be doing so tomorrow afternoon. The battles will continue the day after tomorrow in Carcassoonne, Ticket to Ride and 7 card stud poker. Tauri will be taking on the Sudokus and Dominoes as well.

Tim Hebbes / Martin Hõbemägi

Ankush / Martin

James / Kuno

Thursday, August 24, 2017

MSO 2017 5.päev / Day 5

Viiendal päeval mängisid Andres, Kuno ja Madli Andrese trumpala entroopiat. Kahjuks alavõitu Eestisse ei tulnud ja sellega Andrese lootused edukalt Pentamind-i tiitlit kaitsta ka lõplikult kadusid. Samas teenitud teise koha punktid jätsid veel lootuse heidelda pronksile (Jamesil ja Ankushil mõlemal juba üle 470 punkti ja püüdmatud). Alavõit läks David Jamesonile ja Kuno võttis juuniorite kulla.

On the fifth day Andres, Kuno and Madli played one of Andres's strongest events - Entropy. Unfortunately the win didn't come to Estonia ja Andres's chances to defend the Pentamind title were completely lost. At the same time the earned second place points still left the hope to fight for bronze (James and Ankush both have already over 470 points and are therefore uncatchable). David Jameson claimed the trophy for entropy and Kuno got the junior gold.

Martin ja Tauri mängisid Entrooopia ajal Monopoly, kuid erilisi tulemusi sealt ei tulnud. Jaanus mängis samal ajal Backgammonit.

Martin and Tauri played Monopoly during Entropy, but they didn't get any special results. Jaanus played Backgammon at the same time.

Õhtul mängisid kõik eestlased taas pokkerit. Kavas oli Pineapple. Martin sai parima tulemuse ja tuli hõbedale. Madli oli teise eestlane, kes fiinaallauda pääses. Ta sai seitsmenda koha, kuid pentamind-i selle tulemusega ei parandanud.

In the evening all of the Estonians played poker again. Pineapple was on the schedule. Martin got the best result and received the silver. Madli was the second Estonian in the final table. She got 7th place, but it didn't improve her pentamind score. 

Homme on lines of action, mis tuleb Andresel kindlasti võita, et medalimängus püsida. Jooksvas edetabelis oli Andres viimaste andmete kohaselt 12. Esinelikus hetkel James Heppell, Ankush Khandelwal, Ricardo Gomes ning neljandana Martin. Seejuures on nii Jamesil kui Ankushil hirmkõva punktisumma ja neid eristab ei rohkem ega vähem kui 0,1 punkti!

Tomorrow is Lines of Action, which Andres definitely needs to win in order to stay in competition for the medals. According to the lastest Live Standings, Andres was on the 12th place. Top 4 at the moment were: James Heppell, Ankush Khandelwal, Ricardo Gomes and Martin was fourth. Both James and Ankush have a poinst score out of this World and they are divided by no more or less than 0.1 Pentamind points!

Martin Monopoly turniiril / Martin at the monopoly tournament

Tauri Monopoly turniiril / Tauri at the Monopoly tournament

Andres ja David Jameson turniiri võitja otsustanud Entroopia mängus / Andres and David Jameson at thematch that decided the winner of the Entropy tournament

Jaanus mängib Dario de Toffoli-ga Backgammonit / Jaanus playing backgammon with Dario the Toffoli

Kuno entroopia turniiril / Kuno at the Entropy tournament

Monopoly turniir / tournament

Monopoly turniir / tournament

Hare and tortoise medalid / medals

Entroopia medalid / medals

Pineapple poker

Pineapple poker

Pineapple poker

Pineapple poker

Pineapple poker

MSO 2017 4.päev / Day 4

Neljanda päeva hommikul saime halva üllatuse osaliseks, kui saime teada, et James Heppell oli õhtul Blokuse turniiri ära võitnud. See tähendas, et ta oli Pentamindi seisus esikoha haaranud.

On the morning of the 4th day, we got a bad surprise, when we found out that James Heppell had won the Blokus tournament last night. That meant that he had occupied the first place in the PEntamind standings.

Hommikusel ja pärastlõunasel sessioonil mängisid ainult Martin, Kuno, Tauri ja Madli backgammonit. Teised puhkasid samal ajal. Ilmselt oli see hea otsus, sest eriliselt häid tulemusi keegi ei saavutanud. Lisaks oli tegemist pika turniiriga, seega läks selle peale kogu päev.

Only Martin, Kuno, Tauri and Madli played backgammon during the morning and afternoon sessions. The other rested at the same time. That was probably a good decision, because no one got any good results. On top of that it was a long event and the whole day was spent on it.

Medalitseremoonial saime teada, et James Heppell oli hommikuselt Mensa Connections-i turniirilt võitdu näpanud ja sellega 471 Pentamind-i punkti peale tõusnud, mis on juba praegu 9 punkti võrra Andrese eelmise aasta Pentamind-i võitnud tulemusest üle.

At the medal ceremony we found out that James Heppell had scored a gold at the Mensa Connections tournament in the morning and had risen to 471 points in the Pentamind standings, which even now is 9 points higher than Andres's winning score from last year.

Õhtul mängisid Andres, Martin ja Madli Hare and Tortoise-i ning Kuno, Tauri, Jaanus ja Jüri-Artur mängisid Perudot (Liar's Dice). Madlil turniir eriliselt hästi ei läinud, kuna viimases voorus tuli napilt viimane koht. Martin ja Andres mängisid viimases voorus esimesel laual ja Martin võitis selle. Selle tulemusena oli mõlemal kaks võitu ja kaks teist kohta turniiri voorudest. Kuna Andresel oli aga kokkuvõttes vähem porgandeid lõpetades järgi olnud, võitis tema kogu turniiri ja Martin sai hõbeda. James Heppellil õnnestus teise laua võitjana turniiril pronksmedal saada. Perudo truniiril ei läinud eestlastel väga hästi. Kunol ja Tauril oli enne viimast vooru veel võimalus midagi head saavutada, kuid see võimalus kadus. Ankush, aga võitis turniiri ära ja tuli sellega James Heppelli imetulemusele sellega lähemale.

In the evening session Andres, Martin and Madli played Hare and Tortoise and Kuno, Tauri, Jaanus and Jüri-Artur played Perudo (Liar's dice). Madli didn't do very well in the tournament, because she got a very close last place in the last round of the tournament. Martin and Andres played on the first table in the last round and Martin won it. In result they both had two wins and two second places from the rounds. But since Andres had had less carrots in total when finishing, then he won the gold and Martin got the silver. James Heppell managed to get the bronze medal at the tournament by winning the second table. The Perudo tournament didn't go very well for Estonians. Kuno and Tauri still had a chance to get a decent result before the last round, but that opportunity disappeared. On the other hand, Ankush won the tournament and came closer to James Heppell's miraculous result with that.

Juuniorite medalid Katanis, Kuno kuld :D / Junior medals in Settlers, Kuno gold :D

Andres saamas Continuo hõbedat / Andres receiving Continuo silver

Continuo medalid / Continuo medals

Omaha medalid, Ankush, Jüri-Artur / Omaha medals, Ankush, Jüri-Artur

Paremal Andres Jänest mängimas / Andres on the right playing Hare and Tortoise

Jüri-Artur vasakul ja Kuno paremal Perudo turniiril / Jüri-Artur on the left and Kuno on the right playing Perudo

Vasakult Andres, James, Riccardo Gueci (Hare and Tortoise) / From the left: Andres, James, Ricardo Gueci (Hare and Tortoise)

Martin vasakult teine / Martin second from the left

Vasakult: Andres, Martin / From the left: Andres, Martin

Hare and Tortoise finaallaud / final table

Vasakult Martin, Andres / From the left Martin Andres